It's a full day in Minneapolis. We run 8 am to 8 pm on the agenda.
We began this morning with the Presiding Bishop's (Mark Hanson) report, which was delivered orally. Hanson is a master at public speaking (I was there in 2001 in Indiannapolis when he was first elected, and it was clearly his ability to hold and sway a crowd that caused his election.) He rightly called us to love the Lord, to be his people, to be God's hands in the world (it's our ELCA biennial theme: God's work. Our hands.) But when he began calling us to political agendas I got antsy ............ like, "We need to work with our legislators and pass Obama's immigration bill." He spoke eloquently of our need as a church that is 97% white to allow the Lutherans-of-color among us and around the world to speak up and offer leadership. (Step aside, he said). But I'm concerned that we are about to pass a Statement on Human Sexuality and authorize the ordination of partnered lesbians and gays, as well as bless gay and lesbian unions ---- and those things have been roundly deplored by many people of color in this counttry and we've heard from Lutherans in Asia and Africa that those things will cause a break in our fellowship with them. So I'm concerned that Bishop Hanson and this Assembly want it both ways, and that's not possible.
Anyway, one bright spot this afternoon was our approving the Lutheran Malaria Initiative, which is a joint effort with Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, our ELCA, the Lutheran World Federation, and the UN Foundation, to focus work on eliminating as much malaria as we can in Africa in the next decade. It's good to see us working jointly on an issue that effects so many people worldwide; it's a start! In the US, the ancillary organization, "Nothing but Nets" (they get donations for mosquito nets for people in malaria-prone areas), is supported by the National Basketball Association and by humanitarians like Bono (of U-2) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So funding, begun with a 2.8 million dollar grant from the UN Foundation, should be enough to begin.............. and we'll be seeking donations from members and congregations beginning next year. This all comes under the ELCA's World Hunger Appeal umbrella, where we also deal with HIV/AIDS help for Africa.
We had open conversation about the Human Sexuality Statement for over an hour. And this afternoon and evening we are breaking up into groups for hearings on:
2010 and 2011 Budgets
Book of Faith ( Bible literacy movement)
Evangelizing Congregations
the Lutheran Malaria Initiative
our Middle East Strategy
the Recommendations on Ministry (gay/lesbian stuff)
the Social Statement on Human Sexuality
the proposed Full Communion agreement with the United Methodists
Board of Pension updates
World Hunger/ Disaster Response report
HIV/AIDS work in Africa
We each get to go to 2 ......................... I'll fill you in tonight about what I've learned.
Lots of wonderful people here .............. I must admit I love Lutherans! We sing so well together! Just keep those prayers coming so I don't lose hope for our common future!
Teaser: some insight into our Bishop in my next blog!
Blessings to all!
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